Thursday, June 28, 2012

Home Study Sent!

After a a few hiccups with some paperwork in our home study, we were finally able to send off a big 'ole packet of goodies to our agency! It was a an exciting moment!
So now we will wait to be assigned a social worker and begin our home visits and complete more paperwork and things involved with the home study.
Exciting times!

Monday, June 11, 2012

"It's Your Family"

So, one of my precious first graders came up to me one afternoon and handed me this picture he had drawn. He said, "Mrs. Prevatte, I drew this for you. It's you and your African baby. It's your family". Needless to say it made my heart smile. Its amazing how adults have so many (many) questions, doubts, and fears about our adoption, but a six year old just takes it for what it is...a baby needs a mom and dad so Tyler and I are going to be their mom and dad. It doesn't matter what country they are coming from or the fact that their skin may look different than ours. Their just a little child who needs a family.