Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Exciting News!

Well....we are OFFICIALLY on the waiting list for a referral for our sweet baby!!!!  We sent off our mountain of paperwork (dossier) to our agency last week.  They received it and have been going over it for the past few days.  The e-mail came this afternoon that we have officially been put down on the waiting list today!  SO EXCITING!!!!  The timing is in God's hands, and we know that when the time is right, we will receive a picture of our precious little one that God created us to be a family for.  Please pray for us as we go through this time of waiting and unknowns.  Please pray that our son or daughter is protected and comforted as they are also going through a time of waiting and unknown which far surpasses anything we are going through on this end of the wait.  I can't tell you how much we appreciate all the prayers, love, and support that have been poured out on us.  We will continue to celebrate each step of the way with all of you!    


  1. That is so exciting!! So happy for you both! You two are going to be wonderful parents. This is surely a blessed baby having had God pick you just for them!

  2. Hooray! So thankful for your news! Love you guys and praying for you and your little one!

  3. So thrilled for you both!!! - Debbie Citta
