Our Story

It all started many years ago.....
Our story is a little bit different than most people.  We have been together a looooong time!  We were blessed to meet in middle school and started "going out" our 8th grade year.  I didn't realize it then, but God had already given me the person that I would spend the rest of my life with!
Tyler and Madison back in the day =)

 Our relationship grew and we became more than high school sweethearts; we became best friends.  We went through all our important moments together:  first date, first kiss, driver's licenses, high school graduation, college graduation, first jobs, the works!  Looking back on it now, I realize what true, true blessings all those years spent together really are.  When I look back on all the big moments of my life, Tyler is by my side.  And when I think about all the little moments of laughter or sadness, he is there too, making me smile, cheering me up, brightening my day. 

On May 29, 2009, we moved our relationship to the next natural level...we got MARRIED!  And boy were we blessed again!  We were given the opportunity to get married in Maui, Hawaii and it was wonderful!   As a married couple, we continued to run our coffee shop, Perfect Blend that we had started 2 years prior, and I began my journey as a teacher!  Presently, Tyler is still running our coffee shop, and I am happily teaching a precious first grade class. 
Wedding Day!
We have known for many years that we wanted to adopt and have felt very called  by God to adopt.  As we approach 3 years of being married, we are so excited to be starting the adoption process to bring our first baby into our family!  We are very excited about what God has done and continues to do in our lives. 

 Throughout all these years, we have not only supported each other, but we have had wonderful support from our dear families and our sweet friends.  They have been there for us through all our crazy dreams and ideas.  They stuck by us when we decided to open a coffee shop while we were still in college.  They celebrated with us when we returned from our wedding in Maui.  And they are holding our hands as we travel through this adoption process.  And the great part is that I know they will be standing at the airport cheering when we get back from Uganda with our sweet baby, ready to embrace us and our newest family member.
At our favorite spot...Oak Island, NC

1 comment:

  1. Wow what a great inspiring Dream...am praying that God will cause you to see all your dream come true.
