So, as we all know, adoption involves a lot of
waiting. I'll be the first to admit that it stinks. When I think about all the children who are without moms and dads in this world and how very much I want to be a mommy to one of those little ones, it makes me angry that it takes so long. And I'm not the only one who doesn't like the waiting part. I know that the future grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends of this future Baby Prevatte are having to experience this wait as well. But when I get mad/upset/emotional/anxious about this wait, I have to take a step back. I have to force myself to realize a few things: (A) God is ultimately in control of this entire adoption and loves our baby SO much more than I ever can (B) A few months of waiting is nothing compared to the lifetime that we will spend soaking up every second with our little one (C) The REAL wait is for those children around the world who are waiting in orphanages for someone to call mom and dad.
I can only trust that God's timing is perfect and that when we are matched with our little one, it will be the one that God created to be our son or daughter and that we will be the parents that God created for them. It may not happen in the time table that I want, but its not about my me. Its about God putting together a unique and wonderful family at just the time that is right. Not to mention, God is teaching me incredible things about my faith and my walk with Him throughout this entire journey.
In lieu of these revelations, I have decided to blog on through the waiting. Instead of only blogging when we hear something new or start another step in the adoption, I'm going to blog about life as we wait. Do I still want it to happen faster? YES. Do I wish that I had something new to share about the adoption each week? YES. But the fact of the matter is, I don't. So while I'm waiting, I'm going to enjoy the beautiful people and the beautiful life that God has blessed me with. Because once the baby is here....things will never be the same again! (But I'm actually looking forward to that!)
So, I'm starting by sharing a few pictures of some specials things we have been doing in the past months:
Sleepover with the niece and nephews
Someone's napping in the crib! |
Everyone's watching Elmo! |
Through the corn maze! |
Corn Pit! |
Pumpkin picking! |
Sunflower maze! |
Sophie Turns ONE!!! |