Wow! I've been a bum blogger as of late...but I have a good excuse....I promise! A few weeks ago, we finally got everything in order to send off to USCIS. We had to have our completed home study, copies of birth certificates, and marriage certificate all packaged up and sent to U.S. Immigration. This is actually a BIG deal because once sending of this application, we were told that we could begin working on our dossier paperwork! Soooooo, for the last couple of weeks, I have been furiously gathering paperwork and getting this thing ready! The reason we are so excited to be at this stage is that the dossier is the last major thing we do before waiting for a referral of a child! Now, this does not mean that we send off the dossier and...POOF!....we have a baby. But, it is the last major step until the wait begins to be matched with our baby. Basically, for the dossier, we compile this chunk of papers that consists of lots and lots of notarized papers. (multiple copies of original birth certificates, marriage certificates, references, power of attorney, ...........) Then, our agency sends this to the courts in Uganda. After it has been processed, we will go on a waiting list to be matched with a child. The wait could be a few months or many months, but we know that it is in God's hands.
So, as of this moment, we are trying to get all the dossier paperwork together so that we can have it ready when we get our USCIS (Immigration) paperwork back. Hopefully we will have it ready and can go ahead and send it to our agency and get this thing sent to UGANDA! I'm so ready to get this baby home! So for now, I will leave you with this lovely verse that speaks from my heart (found on Etsy). Although my child is physically in another country, I have been carrying them in my heart for a very long time. I'm ready to have them in my arms!
We're on a God-led adventure to bring home our sweet Ugandan girl through adoption and build our nest!
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Saturday, November 3, 2012
HomeStudy 100% Complete!
Hurray! Our home study is finally complete! I feel like this has been a long process for us, and I'm so glad that it is DONE! We've been finished with the majority of it for awhile, but we just heard word this week that our placing agency has approved everything and will be sending us copies. Now its time to apply with U.S. immigration and start working on some grants. I feel like we've been in a "stand still" stage for a few months, and now I'm ready to start moving and doing things again! As I've mentioned here many times, God is teaching me SO much about myself through this adoption. And I must admit, patience is not my forte. But God is teaching me that I can't always make things happen. Sometimes I just have to be still and wait on His timing and His plan. Now I'm excited to start the next leg of the journey of this excited path God is leading us on!!!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
While We're Waiting
So, as we all know, adoption involves a lot of waiting. I'll be the first to admit that it stinks. When I think about all the children who are without moms and dads in this world and how very much I want to be a mommy to one of those little ones, it makes me angry that it takes so long. And I'm not the only one who doesn't like the waiting part. I know that the future grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends of this future Baby Prevatte are having to experience this wait as well. But when I get mad/upset/emotional/anxious about this wait, I have to take a step back. I have to force myself to realize a few things: (A) God is ultimately in control of this entire adoption and loves our baby SO much more than I ever can (B) A few months of waiting is nothing compared to the lifetime that we will spend soaking up every second with our little one (C) The REAL wait is for those children around the world who are waiting in orphanages for someone to call mom and dad.
I can only trust that God's timing is perfect and that when we are matched with our little one, it will be the one that God created to be our son or daughter and that we will be the parents that God created for them. It may not happen in the time table that I want, but its not about my me. Its about God putting together a unique and wonderful family at just the time that is right. Not to mention, God is teaching me incredible things about my faith and my walk with Him throughout this entire journey.
In lieu of these revelations, I have decided to blog on through the waiting. Instead of only blogging when we hear something new or start another step in the adoption, I'm going to blog about life as we wait. Do I still want it to happen faster? YES. Do I wish that I had something new to share about the adoption each week? YES. But the fact of the matter is, I don't. So while I'm waiting, I'm going to enjoy the beautiful people and the beautiful life that God has blessed me with. Because once the baby is here....things will never be the same again! (But I'm actually looking forward to that!)
So, I'm starting by sharing a few pictures of some specials things we have been doing in the past months:
I can only trust that God's timing is perfect and that when we are matched with our little one, it will be the one that God created to be our son or daughter and that we will be the parents that God created for them. It may not happen in the time table that I want, but its not about my me. Its about God putting together a unique and wonderful family at just the time that is right. Not to mention, God is teaching me incredible things about my faith and my walk with Him throughout this entire journey.
In lieu of these revelations, I have decided to blog on through the waiting. Instead of only blogging when we hear something new or start another step in the adoption, I'm going to blog about life as we wait. Do I still want it to happen faster? YES. Do I wish that I had something new to share about the adoption each week? YES. But the fact of the matter is, I don't. So while I'm waiting, I'm going to enjoy the beautiful people and the beautiful life that God has blessed me with. Because once the baby is here....things will never be the same again! (But I'm actually looking forward to that!)
So, I'm starting by sharing a few pictures of some specials things we have been doing in the past months:
Sleepover with the niece and nephews
Someone's napping in the crib! |
Everyone's watching Elmo! |
Through the corn maze! |
Corn Pit! |
Pumpkin picking! |
Sunflower maze! |
Sophie Turns ONE!!! |
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Fundraiser bash!
Wow! Last Friday night was SO awesome! I am blown away yet again by how God is continuing to financially provide for our adoption through generous friends, family, and people we've never met before! The silent auction was a hit. So many awesome things were donated! The baked goods were fantastic and lots of friends and family came together to make the whole night run smoothly. The guys that played music were great! Such a fun night! Thanks to everyone who supported us!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Big Bash!
I am so excited about our upcoming fundraiser! So many people are chipping in to help make it great! God has blessed us with so many loving people who want to help bring our little one home! Right now we are planning a super awesome fundraiser featuring live music, delicious homemade baked goods, coffee, adoption t-shirts, and a silent auction full of great gifts!
Here are a few of the details:
When: Friday, September 28th 6:00 to ?
Where: Perfect Blend Coffee Shop ~ 1 North Main St. Lexington, NC
What: Adoption Fundraiser Bash!
Here are a few of the details:
When: Friday, September 28th 6:00 to ?
Where: Perfect Blend Coffee Shop ~ 1 North Main St. Lexington, NC
What: Adoption Fundraiser Bash!
- Live music featuring the Ben Scoggin Band
- Delicious homemade baked good: biscotti, pumpkin cupcakes, cookies, cakes and more!
- Fresh roasted Ugandan coffee for sale by the pound
- Adoption t-shirts
- Silent auction including some of the following:
- A catered dinner party for 6
- 24 personalized screen printed t-shirts from BMG
- Salon gift certificates
- Dinner at Main Street Deli
- Oil change from M & L Motor
- Dinner at Sweet Peas
We can't wait to see you there! If you or anyone you know would like to donate a silent auction item, please e-mail me or leave a comment here on the blog. Also, please share this event with your friends and family! We have flyers that we would love for you to hang up at your workplace or church! Thanks so much, and we are praying for an awesome night!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Moving Right Along
Well, last home study meeting is DONE! The whole process was fantastic and our social worker has been amazing! I really feel like she's become a friend and confidant through this process. I feel like our agency really has our back, and that's a good feeling! Our next steps are to finish up a couple more paperwork items as our agency writes up our home study. Then, we can apply with immigration and start applying for grants and working on our dossier.
We are currently working on planning our next big fundraiser (I mentioned a tid-bit about it in my last post). We are having a big bash at the coffee shop on Friday, September 28th starting at 6:00. There will be awesome live music, yummy homemade baked goods, coffee and t-shirts, and a silent auction! We would LOVE to see you there!!! And if you or someone you know would like to donate a silent auction item, that would be great! We are looking forward to a fantastic night shared with friends and family who are coming together to help bring our baby home! I've said it before, but I'll say it again...I am so thankful for all the love and support that our community has poured out on us, and I can't wait to share with our baby how very much they are loved! I am truly humbled by the wonderful people that God has placed in our life.
We are currently working on planning our next big fundraiser (I mentioned a tid-bit about it in my last post). We are having a big bash at the coffee shop on Friday, September 28th starting at 6:00. There will be awesome live music, yummy homemade baked goods, coffee and t-shirts, and a silent auction! We would LOVE to see you there!!! And if you or someone you know would like to donate a silent auction item, that would be great! We are looking forward to a fantastic night shared with friends and family who are coming together to help bring our baby home! I've said it before, but I'll say it again...I am so thankful for all the love and support that our community has poured out on us, and I can't wait to share with our baby how very much they are loved! I am truly humbled by the wonderful people that God has placed in our life.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Long Overdue
WOW! I am a BAD blogger! I cannot believe that it has been over a month since I've given an update about our adoption! Sometimes it seems to move so slowly that I don't really need to give an update, but when I look back over the past month, a LOT has actually happened!
We are currently towards the end of our home study. We have one more visit to go and a few things to get done around town before we're finished! We're a little bit excited (okay, A LOT!). I just feel so ready to close this chapter and move on to the next. Not that it has been a bad experience at all! Our agency has been a dream to work with! It just seems that once the home study is complete, we can mark that off the list and move on to the next hurdle and round of paperwork. Our next step after the home study approval will be to apply with U.S. Immigration for approval of our adoption and begin work on our dossier that will be sent to Uganda. Also, once the home study is complete, we can being applying for grants to help with the cost.
Currently, we are also in the process of planning another fundraiser (or two!). We are hoping to have a big fundraiser at the coffee shop in the fall featuring live music, snacks and goodies, and a silent auction. I would also like to have another yard sale before the weather turns too chilly. (Can you believe its almost time to start thinking about cool weather?!)
So, what have I been up to this summer besides not blogging? Here is a little summer photo album:
4th of July with Family
Working on our future little fellow or lady's nursery!!!
Thanks to all those that donated things to help out! It came together so well!!! I still have some finishing touches to do once we find out gender/age , but I think its looking good!
Beach Trip with my great sister and brother-in-law and their 3 awesome kiddos!

Thursday, June 28, 2012
Home Study Sent!
After a a few hiccups with some paperwork in our home study, we were finally able to send off a big 'ole packet of goodies to our agency! It was a an exciting moment!
So now we will wait to be assigned a social worker and begin our home visits and complete more paperwork and things involved with the home study.
Exciting times!
So now we will wait to be assigned a social worker and begin our home visits and complete more paperwork and things involved with the home study.
Exciting times!
Monday, June 11, 2012
"It's Your Family"
So, one of my precious first graders came up to me one afternoon and handed me this picture he had drawn. He said, "Mrs. Prevatte, I drew this for you. It's you and your African baby. It's your family". Needless to say it made my heart smile. Its amazing how adults have so many (many) questions, doubts, and fears about our adoption, but a six year old just takes it for what it is...a baby needs a mom and dad so Tyler and I are going to be their mom and dad. It doesn't matter what country they are coming from or the fact that their skin may look different than ours. Their just a little child who needs a family.
Monday, May 7, 2012
"We will not build orphanages. We will empty orphanages. We will help without hurting. We will not just give children things. We will give them ourselves. We will do what we can to unite children to a life-long family. We will not measure success anymore by dollars given. We will measure success by how many children have been placed in a permanent family"
-Kay Warren
-Kay Warren
Sunday, May 6, 2012
The Plan
On Friday afternoon when I left school, Tyler and I had a scheduled phone orientation with our adoption agency. I think it was information overload to Ty, but for me it was WONDERFUL! I've been looking over ALL the paperwork and e-mails and feeling super overwhelmed (which I have probably mentioned in almost every blog post, haha). But when we sat down on speaker phone with our agency rep and he walked us through every single thing that we need to do, it made me feel SO much better. Although there is a LOT to do throughout the course of this adoption, I feel so much more at ease knowing how and when to do it all. I don't so much mind the paperwork (my profession has prepared me for that, haha!) but I was stressing about knowing how to go about it all. Also, not only am I a planner, but I am a nerdy notetaker (always have been, since middle school). These are all the notes that took in about an hour of talking with our agency:
So, I wanted to give a little overview for those of you that are curious about our process. This is the plan that we have right now, but this is specific to Uganda and to our agency. Also, with any plan..especially in adoption, things can change. But for now, here is what we are looking at in the order that we will complete each step:
As always, thank you for all the love and support you continue to show us!
So, I wanted to give a little overview for those of you that are curious about our process. This is the plan that we have right now, but this is specific to Uganda and to our agency. Also, with any plan..especially in adoption, things can change. But for now, here is what we are looking at in the order that we will complete each step:
- Home Study: Right now, we are working on our home study. Since our agency is out of state, we had to choose a local NC agency to complete this step. During this step, we have to gather lots of documents like birth/marriage certificates, background checks, insurance stuff, etc. We will also meet with a social worker who will talk with us about the adoption, visit our house, and help educate us in parenting an adoptive child.
- Government Approval: Once our home study is complete, we will apply with the U.S. government for approval to adopt a child from Uganda.
- Dossier: While waiting for approval from the government, we will begin compiling all the documents that are needed for our dossier. The dossier is a big pack of paperwork that includes our home study, U.S. approval, certificates, more background checks, pictures, etc. This is the document that will be sent to the Ugandan courts. When they receive this document, they will review it and then put on on the waiting list to be matched with a child.
- Referral: This is what we will receive when Uganda matches us with a child. We will receive pictures, medical info, etc. for our child. Once accepting the referral, our agency's lawyer in Uganda will set up a court date and we will get ready to travel to meet our child!
- Travel to Uganda: Once in Uganda, we will meet our child!!!! We will then attend our first court date and request guardianship of the child. We then wait for an answer from the judge which could take a few weeks. While in Uganda we will bond with our child, sight see, and make lots of memories. We will also take the child for medical visits and do other "legal" stuff. After receiving guardianship from the judge, we will go to the U.S. consulate to receive passports, etc for our child.
- Back Home: When we come home, we will finalize the adoption and obtain U.S. citizenship for our baby! Also, we will have visits from our social worker to help us through the process of adjusting and bonding.
As always, thank you for all the love and support you continue to show us!
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Blown Away
Wow! What a day! We began our yard sale around 6:30am with coffee, early morning shoppers, and family. Throughout the day the store was filled with people shopping, friends and family laughing, and kids running around and having fun! So many people came out and supported us today by purchasing t-shirts, jewelry, and lots of donated yard sale items! THANK YOU to everyone who donated items, shopped, and gave encouraging words and hugs! What a wonderful day! Let's just say you guys ROCKED it....we had an amazing monetary total for the end of the day! We were totally blown away by your generosity and God's provision! In addition to that, I was reminded today how awesome it is to be a part of the body of Christ. Friends and strangers came together for the common cause "to look after orphans and widows in their distress",and not just any orphan, but one that they will one day get to hold and play with and watch transform from lost to found. How encouraging to know that we are so loved and cared for by our community. All honor and glory goes to our Great God for all His many blessings!
The lovely models in our NEW ADOPTION SHIRTS! We have plenty still in stock for $15 each! Please let us know if you would like one, or stop by Perfect Blend to purchase.
Our little nephew Davis with a stuffed dolphin he found at the sale...and our little niece Sophie (about to fall asleep from all the excitement today!)

Our little nephew Davis with a stuffed dolphin he found at the sale...and our little niece Sophie (about to fall asleep from all the excitement today!)
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Great God
I just wanted to take a moment to share a few thoughts....
As we go through this difficult but joyous process, we feel a roller coaster of emotions. Sometimes, we are overwhelmed with happiness and joy as we think about the sweet sweet baby that we will one day hold in our arms. Sometimes we feel stressed and worried about how we will get everything done and everything paid for (we are working on this and on building our faith, but I'm trying to be honest here!). Other times we think about the fact that the sweet baby we will soon be holding is half way around the world right now. In order for them to end up in an orphanage, they must have been or are going through some very dire circumstances. Its hard to explain how this makes us feel. Although we are not "technically" parents right now, our child is growing in our hearts and our love for this child grows everyday. It is really difficult sometimes to feel totally powerless to help our child right now. Its in times like these that we have to totally trust in our Heavenly Father who not only loves and cares for us but for all the lonely children around the world. Though we feel so far away from our baby, God is right there holding their hand and giving them strength just like he is doing for us. We heard this song a couple of weeks ago, and it really put into words how wonderful our Great God is and how is holding the hurting ones around the world in His hands.
Part of the song says,
From the farthest corners of the earth
Still His mercy reaches
Even to the pain we cannot see
And even through the darkness
There's a promise that will keep us
There is One who came to set us free
Great God
Wrap Your arms around this world tonight
Around the world tonight
And when You hear our cries
Sing through the night
So we can join in Your song
And sing along
We'll sing along
Passion 2012, Sing Along
As we go through this difficult but joyous process, we feel a roller coaster of emotions. Sometimes, we are overwhelmed with happiness and joy as we think about the sweet sweet baby that we will one day hold in our arms. Sometimes we feel stressed and worried about how we will get everything done and everything paid for (we are working on this and on building our faith, but I'm trying to be honest here!). Other times we think about the fact that the sweet baby we will soon be holding is half way around the world right now. In order for them to end up in an orphanage, they must have been or are going through some very dire circumstances. Its hard to explain how this makes us feel. Although we are not "technically" parents right now, our child is growing in our hearts and our love for this child grows everyday. It is really difficult sometimes to feel totally powerless to help our child right now. Its in times like these that we have to totally trust in our Heavenly Father who not only loves and cares for us but for all the lonely children around the world. Though we feel so far away from our baby, God is right there holding their hand and giving them strength just like he is doing for us. We heard this song a couple of weeks ago, and it really put into words how wonderful our Great God is and how is holding the hurting ones around the world in His hands.
Part of the song says,
From the farthest corners of the earth
Still His mercy reaches
Even to the pain we cannot see
And even through the darkness
There's a promise that will keep us
There is One who came to set us free
Great God
Wrap Your arms around this world tonight
Around the world tonight
And when You hear our cries
Sing through the night
So we can join in Your song
And sing along
We'll sing along
Passion 2012, Sing Along
This song brings comfort to us as we are reminded that our great God is so much bigger than we can ever imagine, and yet he loves each and EVERY person on this earth so dearly. He is the true Father to the fatherless who offers comfort and peace. He will hold our baby in His arms and comfort them while they are without a family, but he will continue to hold them and comfort them for the rest of their lives, even after they are with us...their forever family.
On a lighter note...we are still planning on having our yard sale/sidewalk sale at Perfect Blend Coffee Shop on Saturday, April 28th. Check out the event on Facebook here, and PLEASE share the event on your page to help spread the word! Also, if you have any items you would like to donate, you can e-mail me at
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Yard Sale!
Just wanted to give everyone an update. We are currently working through the paperwork for our home study. We are moving through pretty well. To help with the cost of the home study, we will be have a big yard sale just in time for spring cleaning! If you or anyone you know would like to donate items, please email me at
We have a trailer and are able to pick up items. The yard sale/side walk sale will be on Saturday, April 28th at Perfect Blend Coffee Shop (1 North Main St Lexington) We will have lots of great stuff and yummy baked goods!
On another note, I just want to say that I am so grateful for the people that God continues to place in our path through this journey. We are continuing to be uplifted and encouraged by others who share our passion for orphans and for following Christ. We are also strengthened anew everyday by Gods love emanating from family and friends.
We have a trailer and are able to pick up items. The yard sale/side walk sale will be on Saturday, April 28th at Perfect Blend Coffee Shop (1 North Main St Lexington) We will have lots of great stuff and yummy baked goods!
On another note, I just want to say that I am so grateful for the people that God continues to place in our path through this journey. We are continuing to be uplifted and encouraged by others who share our passion for orphans and for following Christ. We are also strengthened anew everyday by Gods love emanating from family and friends.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Home Study Time!
We have received approval from the agency that will be doing our home study last weekend and have since received our packet from them to begin working on. Wow...exciting but a LOT of stuff to do! And I, being a planner, and so overwhelmed! I'm planning on sitting down today and making lists and plans for how and when to complete it all. But I know that if we take it one step at a time, we will get it done. Anyone who has adopted or know someone that has adopted has heard about "The Paper Chase"...well, that's what we are about to begin!
Along with our packet, we received the invoice for our home study. The money side of things can definitely be stressful and scary. As Tyler and I were discussing it last night, we were both kind of stressing about it. But you know, as we were talking I was reminded again...God doesn't call us to something and then say, "Okay, now figure out how to do it, plan it, prepare for it, and make it happen." He simply calls us to be obedient to His Word, and then He asks us to trust Him. How beautiful and peaceful life can be if we just trust Him instead of trying to figure it all out on our own.
I once read a devotion that has stuck with me for many years since reading it. The lady who wrote the book was describing her time on a retreat to a lake. Their large group decided to take a boat ride in which they all had to row the boat out into the open water. It was tiring, hard, sweaty work. But just when they thought they couldn't row anymore, their guide explained that is was time to put up the sail. To all of their surprise, the boat they were own was actually a sailboat. They put up the sail, sat back, and enjoyed the beautiful view and the warm breeze. She explained that our life in Christ should be like a sailboat, but many times we try to row and work our way along. It is our own fault if we keep rowing and rowing and trying to make it using our own pitiful strength. It is our own fault if we don't put up the sail and let God carry us through it all. I want that for my life.
On another note, we had our book fair at school this week. How does that relate to the adoption? Well, one of my kids bought the most precious book and I had to get one for myself! It's called Little Pink Pup. Its a sweet little story of a piglet that was adopted into a family of dachshunds. The book is dedicated to all the children that may look different from their families and says "Your families love you just the way you are." So sweet! Click on here to check it out.
So, as we continue to this wonderful journey, we are filled with joy for what God is teaching us and how He is growing us up in Him.
Along with our packet, we received the invoice for our home study. The money side of things can definitely be stressful and scary. As Tyler and I were discussing it last night, we were both kind of stressing about it. But you know, as we were talking I was reminded again...God doesn't call us to something and then say, "Okay, now figure out how to do it, plan it, prepare for it, and make it happen." He simply calls us to be obedient to His Word, and then He asks us to trust Him. How beautiful and peaceful life can be if we just trust Him instead of trying to figure it all out on our own.
I once read a devotion that has stuck with me for many years since reading it. The lady who wrote the book was describing her time on a retreat to a lake. Their large group decided to take a boat ride in which they all had to row the boat out into the open water. It was tiring, hard, sweaty work. But just when they thought they couldn't row anymore, their guide explained that is was time to put up the sail. To all of their surprise, the boat they were own was actually a sailboat. They put up the sail, sat back, and enjoyed the beautiful view and the warm breeze. She explained that our life in Christ should be like a sailboat, but many times we try to row and work our way along. It is our own fault if we keep rowing and rowing and trying to make it using our own pitiful strength. It is our own fault if we don't put up the sail and let God carry us through it all. I want that for my life.

So, as we continue to this wonderful journey, we are filled with joy for what God is teaching us and how He is growing us up in Him.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Bracelets Galore!
We are continuing the journey as we have been in contact with our adoption agency as well as the agency that will be completing our home study. We hope to begin the home study and the "paper chase" very soon! We have been so grateful lately for the opportunities that God has given us to share about our journey with those we meet. We continue to be thankful for all the encouragement that God has given us through his people.
So, I continue to toss around different fundraising ideas that I can do. A while back I began making beaded jewelry to sell to help with the cost of our adoption. I've come up with some cute designs, but I've been wanting to come up with a more signature piece that I can make a lot of. While perusing Pinterest (haha, that's where all my "creative" ideas come from!) I stumbled across a DIY wrap bracelet and I thought, "Hey, I could make that and its really cute!". So, my dad ordered me some supplies through his shop Missions Pottery, and I have made my first few bracelets. I really love the style of the bracelet. I make them with leather and bamboo cords in cheery colors. I have posted some example pictures below. I have light and dark variations of the leather cord, as well as multiple bamboo cord colors like purple, green, orange, pink and blue. They will be sold at Perfect Blend Coffee Shop and Missions Pottery and More. Also, you can contact me via e-mail at The price will be $6 for the single band and $8 for the double band. They are also really cute stacked so grab up a few different colors!
So, I continue to toss around different fundraising ideas that I can do. A while back I began making beaded jewelry to sell to help with the cost of our adoption. I've come up with some cute designs, but I've been wanting to come up with a more signature piece that I can make a lot of. While perusing Pinterest (haha, that's where all my "creative" ideas come from!) I stumbled across a DIY wrap bracelet and I thought, "Hey, I could make that and its really cute!". So, my dad ordered me some supplies through his shop Missions Pottery, and I have made my first few bracelets. I really love the style of the bracelet. I make them with leather and bamboo cords in cheery colors. I have posted some example pictures below. I have light and dark variations of the leather cord, as well as multiple bamboo cord colors like purple, green, orange, pink and blue. They will be sold at Perfect Blend Coffee Shop and Missions Pottery and More. Also, you can contact me via e-mail at The price will be $6 for the single band and $8 for the double band. They are also really cute stacked so grab up a few different colors!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Quick Update
I wanted to take a moment to give you all a quick update. As we all know, this journey we have started on is a long one, but I hope to keep friends and family in the know as much as possible. We are so grateful for you continued prayers and support.
We are getting ready to send off our home study application this coming week. The home study involves gathering documents and completing paperwork that must be compiled in order for the adoption process to continue. We will also have a couple of visits from a social worker and have some education on how we can best meet the needs of our child. We look forward to the next leg of our journey and welcome your prayers and encouragement.
Our coffee sales continue to rise thanks as word is getting out about what we're doing. Thanks to everyone that has purchased some and thanks to those who have been selling it for us! We continue to have handmade jewelry for sale at Missions Pottery and More and at our coffee shop, Perfect Blend. We have a few fundraising things in the works for after we finish our home study. Once we finish the home study we will be able to apply for grants and some of those grants are matching grants. In other words, if we receive the grant they will double whatever we make at our fundraiser up to a certain amount. So we're trying to plan some larger fundraiser soon! We are hoping to have a BIG yard sale where all proceeds will go to the adoption. If you are getting ready to do some spring cleaning, we will take your cast offs =) Also, we are planning to have a fundraising night at the coffee shop with a silent auction. If you or anyone you know owns a business or could get an item donated, that would be awesome! We also have some friends and family that are helping to plan a benefit concert. Through this process, we are definitely finding out how much we are loved and how much our little one is already loved (even though no one has even met them yet). I can't wait to tell them of stories of how VERY wanted they were and how a family and community came together to bring them home!
If you have any items for the yard sale or any silent auction items, you can e-mail me at
We are getting ready to send off our home study application this coming week. The home study involves gathering documents and completing paperwork that must be compiled in order for the adoption process to continue. We will also have a couple of visits from a social worker and have some education on how we can best meet the needs of our child. We look forward to the next leg of our journey and welcome your prayers and encouragement.
Our coffee sales continue to rise thanks as word is getting out about what we're doing. Thanks to everyone that has purchased some and thanks to those who have been selling it for us! We continue to have handmade jewelry for sale at Missions Pottery and More and at our coffee shop, Perfect Blend. We have a few fundraising things in the works for after we finish our home study. Once we finish the home study we will be able to apply for grants and some of those grants are matching grants. In other words, if we receive the grant they will double whatever we make at our fundraiser up to a certain amount. So we're trying to plan some larger fundraiser soon! We are hoping to have a BIG yard sale where all proceeds will go to the adoption. If you are getting ready to do some spring cleaning, we will take your cast offs =) Also, we are planning to have a fundraising night at the coffee shop with a silent auction. If you or anyone you know owns a business or could get an item donated, that would be awesome! We also have some friends and family that are helping to plan a benefit concert. Through this process, we are definitely finding out how much we are loved and how much our little one is already loved (even though no one has even met them yet). I can't wait to tell them of stories of how VERY wanted they were and how a family and community came together to bring them home!
If you have any items for the yard sale or any silent auction items, you can e-mail me at
Sunday, March 4, 2012
A Bit About Uganda
I realized today that although many people know we are adopting from Uganda, there may be some that would like to know more about the country of Uganda and where exactly we will be traveling to in the country. So, I thought I would do a blog post giving some info about Uganda and the city where we will be traveling.
Uganda is a small landlocked country that rests on the banks of the beautiful Lake Victoria. Uganda is known as the "Pearl of Africa" for its beautiful landscapes, lakes, and mountain rims. It is considered a tropical climate with average high temperatures 77-82 degrees year round. The national language in Uganda is English along with the local language of Luganda. The capital city of Kampala is where we will be traveling. It is a more modernized, bustling major city with museums, theaters, government buildings and schools.
There are approximately 2 million orphans within the country of Uganda and it is considered to have one of the largest populations of orphans in the world. The need is great, but many people within the country and around the world are reaching out to help these children.
Below, I have added a map of Uganda, with the capital city starred. I have also added some pictures of some wildlife and beautiful landscapes of Uganda. These images were found on the public domain of "The World Factbook".
Uganda is a small landlocked country that rests on the banks of the beautiful Lake Victoria. Uganda is known as the "Pearl of Africa" for its beautiful landscapes, lakes, and mountain rims. It is considered a tropical climate with average high temperatures 77-82 degrees year round. The national language in Uganda is English along with the local language of Luganda. The capital city of Kampala is where we will be traveling. It is a more modernized, bustling major city with museums, theaters, government buildings and schools.
There are approximately 2 million orphans within the country of Uganda and it is considered to have one of the largest populations of orphans in the world. The need is great, but many people within the country and around the world are reaching out to help these children.
Below, I have added a map of Uganda, with the capital city starred. I have also added some pictures of some wildlife and beautiful landscapes of Uganda. These images were found on the public domain of "The World Factbook".
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The shore of Lake Victoria |
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Part of the Nile River |
Friday, February 24, 2012
Sets the Lonely in Families...
I came across this verse when perusing some adoption stuff on....where else? Pinterst. It really struck me:
"Sing to God, sing in praise of his name,
extol him who rides on the clouds;
rejoice before him—his name is the LORD.
A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows,
is God in his holy dwelling.
extol him who rides on the clouds;
rejoice before him—his name is the LORD.
A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows,
is God in his holy dwelling.
God sets the lonely in families" Psalm 68:4-6a
"sets the lonely in families".....that is absolutely amazing. God loves my baby more than I could ever imagine loving him or her. He wants them and all other orphans to have a family. He literally sets them in their forever families. What a beautiful picture of love. Oh how He cherishes each of His children. And how humbling it is to know that this adoption is not about is about God doing a miracle and forming a family by placing our baby into our lives.
Monday, February 20, 2012
New Stuff!
Well, first of all, I just continue to be amazed by our Great God. Not only are people generously giving to help us bring our baby home, but I have been so blessed by the stories of adoption that have been shared with me. It seems that almost everyone's life has somehow been touched by adoption.....they were adopted, they rejoiced with friends who have adopted, or they have adopted children of their own. Its so exciting to see people following God's calling.
In other news, we are continuing to come up with more fundraising adventures! We have a few big events in the works, but for now, we are trying to promote our Uganda coffee and now, my jewelry! I have begun making handmade beaded jewelry to sell for the adoption. As of right now, I'm selling it a Perfect Blend. Also, a very generous local jewelry maker has donated some of her beautiful pieces to sell of our behalf as well. Her jewelry is for sale at Missions Pottery (right beside the coffee shop on North Main St., Lexington). I have posted some pictures below. I have only made a few pieces, but there will be more to come!
Thank you all for your continued support, encouragement, and prayers!!!
In other news, we are continuing to come up with more fundraising adventures! We have a few big events in the works, but for now, we are trying to promote our Uganda coffee and now, my jewelry! I have begun making handmade beaded jewelry to sell for the adoption. As of right now, I'm selling it a Perfect Blend. Also, a very generous local jewelry maker has donated some of her beautiful pieces to sell of our behalf as well. Her jewelry is for sale at Missions Pottery (right beside the coffee shop on North Main St., Lexington). I have posted some pictures below. I have only made a few pieces, but there will be more to come!
Thank you all for your continued support, encouragement, and prayers!!!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Feeling Thankful
First of all, I just want to express my sincere appreciation for all of the encouragement that we have received since my last post. So many people have offered their encouraging words, prayers, and help to raise the funds we need to bring our baby home. God has richly blessed us with a community that has wrapped us in their arms and expressed their love for us and our child that none of us have even met.
We are continuing to receive more information every few days regarding our next steps in the adoption process. At this point, we are getting ready to send in our home study application and fees. This part of the process will take a few months as we gather lots of information, have home visits, and compile the paperwork that is needed.
Fund-raising has been going really well! Coffee sales are rising as many people are offering to help us sell our coffee to friends, family, and co-workers. If you're interested in some, let us know! We are still in the process of working on a t-shirt design, and I am also working on a little jewelry project of my own (pictures coming soon!).
In the way of prayers, please continue pray as we work through the massive amounts of paperwork that must be completed. It is an overwhelming task (as some of you know), but I know it will get done one sheet at a time. Also, please pray for mental strength as we travel on this exciting roller coaster ride! We can feel your prayers and appreciate them far more than you know.
We serve an AWESOME God, and the thanks goes TOTALLY to Him!
1 John 4:9-10
This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Annnnd...We're Off!
Today we began receiving lots and lots (and lots!) of information and paperwork for the adoption. It's definitely more than a bit overwhelming and scary....BUT we know our God is bigger than any overwhelming uncertainty we may face. It's all starting to become real now. For so long, I have felt the call to adopt, even in my early high school days. Tyler and I have dreamed about the day that it would become reality and it is hard to grasp that the day is finally upon us. Over the weekend, we both had that sort of "Oh my goodness-this is really happening" moment! But we are thrilled and so so excited as we travel down this road that God has called us to.
Soooo, along with lots of info and paperwork, we also received our first invoice to make our first installment payment for the adoption. We are trusting God for this money and all the money that will be needed over the next few months so that we can bring our baby home. I just wanted to let you guys know of a few options if you want to financially support our adoption process.
Soooo, along with lots of info and paperwork, we also received our first invoice to make our first installment payment for the adoption. We are trusting God for this money and all the money that will be needed over the next few months so that we can bring our baby home. I just wanted to let you guys know of a few options if you want to financially support our adoption process.
- As I mentioned in our last post, we are selling Tyler's fresh roasted Ugandan coffee for $13 a pound. You can get that whole bean or ground at Perfect Blend Coffee Shop (1 North Main St. Lexington NC).
- We are working on having adoption t-shirts printed to sell as well. As soon as we get them, I'll post pics on the blog and Facebook.
- We are hoping to begin planning a fundraising night at the coffee shop that will include live music, yummy treats, and a silent auction. If you or someone you know would like to donate any silent auction items, we would greatly appreciate it! :)
- There are other ideas bouncing around in our minds, but we are trying to go ahead and get a head start with these things.
"Religion that God our
Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and
widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the
world." James 1:27
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Last night we received an e-mail telling us that our application has been accepted! We will be receiving more info soon, but we have been accepted in the Uganda program through our agency. Answered prayers!
Also, Tyler has been working on a fundraising project involving what else? Coffee, of course! He will be roasting and selling Ugandan coffee with all proceeds going straight to the adoption!
Also, Tyler has been working on a fundraising project involving what else? Coffee, of course! He will be roasting and selling Ugandan coffee with all proceeds going straight to the adoption!
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